The Social Face of Complexity Science


Subtitled “A Festschrift for Professor Peter M. Allen” You may say ‘I don’t read Festschrifts, stuffy old things for a bygone age. Wrong ! Always wrong and you must read this one! Because here is someone who has had a massive impact on the way we think about our world of cities and the nature of complexity, and there are many gems to be had here. I first met Peter Allen in 1978 or was it 1979 when he came to Reading on a mission from his mentor the Nobel Prize-winner Ilya Prigogine, the populariser if not the architect of irreversible thermodynamics. This mission was to make contact with urban modellers. But I say all this in one of the memos in this book where we celebrate Peter’s work on the occasion of his 70th and you can read this by clicking on the download.

I also have a chapter in the book called Scaling in City Systems but there is much food for thought in all the contributions here. This is a good book for anyone to read who wishes to see where complexity has come from and where it is destined to go as a movement. You can get the book from the main sources such as Amazon but if you go the publishers web site you can download an extract from the book with its contents that will wet your appetite. I hope the book is seen as more than most Festschrifts which are often left to gather dust but Mark Strathern and James McGlade have done a great job collecting and editing a really nice set of papers. Read on and download the contents and accolades to Peter by clicking here.

Posted in Complexity, Connectivity, Economies of scale, Emergence, Hierarchy, power laws, Scaling | Leave a comment

Urban Complexity and Planning

Shih-Kung An interesting new book by Shi-Kung Lai and Haoying Han which weaves together their various papers which range from strict cellular automata models of urban processes to models of organisational structures such as Cohen’s decision-making model applied to planning (The so-called Garbage Can Model). This book is still pretty theoretical but it gets a lot closer to theories of planning than some of my own books (see the side panel). Nicely presented and well worth a look. There are two forewords to the book, one by myself and one by Lew Hopkins – click here and on the image for details.

Posted in Agent-Based Models, Cellular Automata, Planning Support, power laws, Scaling | Leave a comment

The Evolution of Planning Thought


This is a project that I never quite imagined I would be involved with as I have always thought that I straddled the boundary and reflected the tensions of trying to seek an understanding of cities in contrast to an understanding of planning. And as such I assumed that one was always torn between one or the other and in recent years I have tended to fall on the side of understanding cities.

Cities and Planning of course are different sides of the same coin but most of my colleagues who have pioneered ideas about cities have not really trespassed on planning and to an extent, with exceptions of course and some of them are here at this meeting, vice versa. Anyway in May there is a meeting in Vienna organised by Beatrix Haselsberger to reflect what we have achieved, after half a century or more of effort ,and to translate all this to a younger, newer, perhaps fresher generation of insights on the planning endeavour. Let me say what the project is about and I have taken this from the web site which you can access here. You can also get a sense of who all the contributors are from their CVs and their statements of how they see this project.

The Evolution of Planning Thought is a project to understand and unpack the roots of the planning discipline. In difference to existing ‘planning history projects’, it seeks to explore the roots of planning through the eyes of selected individuals who influenced and shaped the field of planning over the last five decades. Understanding the history of the field of planning through oral histories enables us to grasp also the impacts of historical events, demographic change, political systems, etc. of an ever changing world, on the history of the field. This approach makes it possible to understand how planning thoughts can be adopted meaningfully in a different time, context and situation. The project was born out of the need to capture the wisdom of the first generation of planners. The finite amount of time that the current and next generation of planners have to accumulate this information underlines the ‘now or never’ aspect of this project. When this is gone, their knowledge will be lost. This makes this project an extremely time sensitive endeavour. We argue that it is important to understand the Evolution of Planning Thought in the context of personal values and experiences as well as in relation to an ever changing world, from those individuals who have first-hand knowledge of this intellectual evolution. Through their historical accounts of the emergence and development of the field of planning, we can not only reflect on the past to resolve our current issues but we can reflect on the past to further the field of planning in the future.

There is an interesting line up of people here – many formally retired but still as active as ever. Some were my own mentors and they span more than one generation, certainly two,  not quite three. there pictures of what they look like now are in the image above tbut they are clearer on the website where you can get the tentative programme

Top row above: Cliff Hague (at University with him in Manchester (1967-1969), Gerhard Schimak, Klaus Kunzmann, Louis Albrechts, John Forester,  Peter Hall (My HOD in Geography at University of Reading 1969-1979), me (Mike Batty), Patsy Healey (who worked with my wife at Oxford Poly in the late 1970s)

Second row above:John Friedman, Judith Innes, Charles Hoch, Barrie Needham. Peter Marcuse, Rachelle Alterman, Andreas Faludi (who also worked with my wife at Oxford Poly in the early 1970s), and Luigi (Gigi) Mazza.

Posted in Geodesign, Planning Support, Smart Cities | Leave a comment