The Townsend Report


An interesting report funded by the MacArthur and Knight Foundations by Anthony Townsend of Smart Cities fame about the rapid emergence of urban science and the flurry of centres that have grown up in the wake of these new ideas as well as the development of smart cities and their technologies. We in CASA are earmarked as beginning the trend initially as a GIS-spatial analysis centre with a focus on cities – but way ahead of the curve – with some morphing of our mission towards new goals pertaining to modelling and visualisation using computers and cities within the last decade. The report also refers to my ESRC report Urban Informatics and Big Data which you can also download here alongside Anthony’s report.


Posted in Big Data, Complexity, Information, Interactions, Smart Cities, Urban Models | Leave a comment

Urban Physics


Papers on the notion that physics can help us articulate our understanding of cities are not new but there are several recent commentaries worth looking at. There is a short sharp one pager that articulates the new science of cities as being a new urban physics from the folks at CUSP. Download it here. And at MIT, Franz-Josef Ulm considers cities to be structured like various forms of materials. See the summary of his thinking in MIT Spectrum and the article in The Boston Globe. There are many different views of how physics can help us understand cities from their materials to their sociology and economy. This has only just started and I will post more about it as it emerges.




Urban Physics

Posted in allometry, Big Data, city size, Connectivity, Emergence, Information, Scaling, Smart Cities | Leave a comment

Big Data in the Big Apple


What we can learn here from New York: an interesting report from Eddie Copeland at the Policy Exchange. Fascinating reading from the place where open data was invented, and where Urban Mechanics was begun. I quote from the blurb:

Today marks the launch of the first report from the Capital City Foundation, Policy Exchange’s London-focused unit. The report, Big Data in the Big Apple, says the next Mayor of London should appoint a Data Tsar to replicate New York’s success at using analytics to improve life for Londoners. Monitoring different data sets including the amount of rubbish collected, energy bills and even sewage levels could, for example, help local authorities identify and combat ‘beds in sheds’, the illegal use of buildings usually built without planning permission that cost the taxpayer millions and make life a misery for Londoners. The report calls for the appointment of a Data Tsar based in City Hall whose job would be to lead a team of analysts that collects and overlays different data sets held by each of London 33 boroughs as well as the Metropolitan Police and the London Fire Brigade.

The paper sets out a number of ways in which harnessing different data sets could lead to better outcomes for Londoners:

  • Illegal housing. Overlaying data such as waste ‘output’ per person, incidents of fly tipping, energy consumption and the size and age of a property and its garden could help councils identify ‘beds in sheds’ and houses which have more people than officially registered.
  • Boosting new business growth. Using data from mobile phone users to show how many people have walked down a particular street over a month could help business optimise their opening times. Likewise making available Companies House data showing business closure statistics can help inform entrepreneurs where they should locate their business.
  • Food safety inspections. Overlaying where previous inspections have taken place with complaints received from the public as well as analysis of posts on Twitter or TripAdvisor could help build up a picture of which restaurants could pose more of a risk to the public.

Read the report here


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