Category Archives: Urban Models

Learn About Cellular Automata Models

Amin Tayyebi from the Energy Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison has organized a collection of videos about land use change using Cellular Automata and related cell-space models and methods. He commissioned these individually and if you click on the … Continue reading

Posted in Agent-Based Models, Cellular Automata, Emergence, Planning Support, Urban Models | Leave a comment

Smart Cities Lectures Online

It is a bit of a gamble to tell those who watch our CASA site that I have just started a new lecture course on Smart Cities that I am offering to graduates at ASU. A gamble because Smart Cities … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, Complexity, Connectivity, Flows, Information, LUTI models, Networks, Smart Cities, Urban Models | Leave a comment

Research, Write, Type, Submit, Pass, and 30 Years Later …..

… chop the thesis up, scan it, and put it online for all those who should have been reading it this past three decades but couldn’t, wouldn’t, never knew it existed and so on. Or have never read a thesis … Continue reading

Posted in Entropy, Flows, Information, Urban Models | Leave a comment