Category Archives: Smart Cities

Smart Cities @Serious Games Institute

Short, sharp discussion of smart cities at Coventry University’s Serious Games Institute (this afternoon, May 8th starting at 1pm) with a talk by myself which mirrors my talk to the AGI a couple of months ago in Edinburgh (click here … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, Flows, Interactions, Smart Cities | Leave a comment

SIMTABLE + Ambient Computing

The folks at Redfish Group in Santa Fe, NM have launched simtable which lets users sculpt the landscape and project onto it visual media that is produced by agent-based models of how the landscape changes. Wildfire is their current simulation using … Continue reading

Posted in Agent-Based Models, Cellular Automata, Geodesign, Smart Cities | Leave a comment

MIT’s Media Lab as City Science

Suddenly the world seems to have woken up to the fact that we can treat cities as a science. More than 100 years ago, Patrick Geddes said “Thus, in fact, appear the methods of a Science of Cities …..”  in Cities in … Continue reading

Posted in Complexity, Emergence, Fractals, Hierarchy, Networks, Scaling, Smart Cities | Leave a comment