Category Archives: Smart Cities
Resilience: How Quickly Can City Systems Bounce Back
AESOP-ACSP is the joint European and American Associations of Planning Schools conference held this year in Dublin at UCD. The theme is resilience in cities and how planning might best respond to it. This is a popular term and is … Continue reading
The Real Time City?
Rob Kitchin’s paper on smart cities focuses on “… how cities are being instrumented with digital devices and infrastructure that produce ‘big data’ which enable real-time analysis of city life, new modes of technocratic urban governance, and a re-imagining of … Continue reading
A variety of interesting papers in Utrecht for the 13th Meeting of Computers in Urban Modelling and Urban Management (July 3-5, 2013). Harry Timmermans gave an interesting keynote “What-ifs, if-whats and maybes : sketch of ubiquitous collaborative decision support technology” which is … Continue reading