Category Archives: Smart Cities

The City Scientific

Matt Zook drew my attention to this paper in an article he and his colleagues recently wrote called The ‘actually existing smart city’. In it, they point to the fact that a science of cities is not new – that it … Continue reading

Posted in Complexity, Information, Networks, Smart Cities, Urban Models | Leave a comment

Against the Smart City

Absolutely the best thing to read on the corporate hype and innuendos from the big computer companies pedalling the idea of ‘the smart city’. Adam Greenfield’s new book – that you can only get on Kindle and which was my … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, Complexity, Connectivity, Information, Interactions, Smart Cities | Leave a comment

The Requiem Revisited

40 years ago, Douglass B Lee published his notorious article “Requiem for Large Scale Models” in the Journal of the American Institute of Planners on the demise of the first generation of urban computer models in the United States. In … Continue reading

Posted in Agent-Based Models, LUTI models, Planning Support, Smart Cities, Urban Models | Leave a comment