Category Archives: Scaling

Cities in a Completely Urbanised World

By the end of this century, we will all be living in Cities but what does this really mean? I have given various talks and written various editorials on this prospect but have never really thought much about what this … Continue reading

Posted in city size, Hierarchy, rank size, Scaling | Leave a comment

The Fractured Nature of British Politics

The Morning After: Predictions closer than all of us thought,  a Divided Britain Carlos, Elsa, Duncan and myself (Mike) decided to explore next week’s British election using some of our social physics, specifically our work on uncovering urban hierarchies through percolation … Continue reading

Posted in allometry, city size, Hierarchy, Scaling | Leave a comment

Logistic Growth and Ergodic Properties of Urban Forms

Our new paper reports research on the definition of cities led by A. Paolo Masucci with Elsa Arcaute, Jiaqiu Wang, Erez Hatna, Kiril Stanilov and Michael Batty. Its in the arXiv and you can get it here from this link. Here is the abstract: Urban morphology has presented significant … Continue reading

Posted in Complexity, Connectivity, Networks, Scaling | Leave a comment