Category Archives: power laws

Agent-Based Models

Agent-Based Models or Modelling, abbreviated ABM , involves developing simulations of urban structure and dynamics at the level of how individual objects which comprise such systems behave. The best example and the one that is developed in my lecture today … Continue reading

Posted in Agent-Based Models, Complexity, Flows, Interactions, power laws | Leave a comment

This entry goes to the CASA blog aggregator so those viewing it will be getting a blow by blow account of each lecture as I post it. As I don’t lecture much in CASA, at least it shows when I am … Continue reading

Posted in Flows, Graphs, Interactions, Networks, power laws | Tagged | Leave a comment

You can now download the fourth lecture from the Menu Item above, Lecture 4, or click the icon to the left of this post. This lecture continues the first kind of scaling based on size distributions focussing on names, high … Continue reading

Posted in allometry, clocks, Economies of scale, power laws, rank size | Leave a comment