Category Archives: Networks

Logistic Growth and Ergodic Properties of Urban Forms

Our new paper reports research on the definition of cities led by A. Paolo Masucci with Elsa Arcaute, Jiaqiu Wang, Erez Hatna, Kiril Stanilov and Michael Batty. Its in the arXiv and you can get it here from this link. Here is the abstract: Urban morphology has presented significant … Continue reading

Posted in Complexity, Connectivity, Networks, Scaling | Leave a comment

Geocomputation A Primer

A very nicely produced review of geocomputation in this edited book by Chris Brunsdon and Alex Singleton. It covers many interesting new techniques from agent based models to new visual statistics, from crowdsourcing methods to the newer scripting languages that are … Continue reading

Posted in Agent-Based Models, Big Data, clocks, Complexity, Interactions, Networks, power laws, Scaling | Leave a comment

Coping with Disorder

….. is a short article by Richard Sennett in the LSE Cities’ programs current Urban Age magazine Governing Urban Futures. He makes the point that all the hype about big cities wanting their own governance is somewhat put into the shade … Continue reading

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