Category Archives: Networks

Urban Network Analysis Toolbox

Andre Svetsuk and the City Form Lab have just announced the Urban Networks Analysis Toolbox v1.01 for ArcGIS. This can be downloaded free. The following text is from their web site. As the first of its kind, this ArcGIS toolbox can be … Continue reading

Posted in Connectivity, Flows, Graphs, Interactions, Networks, Planning Support | Leave a comment

ECCS 13 in Barcelona

Several of us from the Mechanicity and Eunoia Projects are embarked on an expedition to the European Conference on Complex Systems held this year in Barcelona. Tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday, we present in various satellite sessions devoted to Complexity-Net, our … Continue reading

Posted in Agent-Based Models, Complexity, Connectivity, Fractals, Hierarchy, Information, Networks, Scaling | Leave a comment

The Moving City

Riccardo Maria Pulselli from the Ecodynamics Group at the University of Siena has put his fascinating book on urban kinetics online. Click here to view. In it he demonstrates that cities are never in equilibrium, they are always changing, and … Continue reading

Posted in Cellular Automata, Complexity, Connectivity, Emergence, Interactions, Networks | Leave a comment