Category Archives: Interactions

Fractal London

Our paper on London’s street network has been picked up by various blogs and tweeted as well by Steve Strogatz. The paper “Multifractal to monofractal evolution of the London street network” by Roberto Murcio, Paolo Masucci, Elsa Arcaute, and myself (Michael Batty) … Continue reading

Posted in city size, Flows, Fractals, Interactions, Networks, Scaling | Leave a comment


A picture of the second CBD in Sao Paulo rapidly developing as a major financial-retailing centre in Itaim Bibi some 10 kms south west of the established centre at Paulista. Our ESRC project with the University of Sao Paulo and INPE … Continue reading

Posted in Agent-Based Models, Entropy, Flows, Interactions, Transport Models | Leave a comment

Redefining Big Data, Recasting Small

Giving two lectures by video at the E-Life Congress in Athens on November 6th and at the ITF-OECD Roundtable on 21st Century Public Interest Data Sharing on November 9 in Paris. The lectures are more or less the same and mirror that … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, Connectivity, Flows, Information, Interactions, Smart Cities | Leave a comment