Category Archives: Interactions

How Disruptive is the Smart City Movement?

A couple of months ago I attended a meeting at Wilton Park in Sussex organised by the Uk Government’s Tech City Hub ( and a cloud computing company called Improbable ( specialising in massively parallel agent based modelling (for cities, transport, … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, Complexity, Emergence, Interactions, Smart Cities | Leave a comment

Classifying Models: What Krugman Says

You may think that this blog has enough on ‘models’ to sink a ship and I have a new editorial on this in EPB. But there is a wonderful article by Paul Krugman on models which I have just come across although written two decades or so ago. Krugman … Continue reading

Posted in Agent-Based Models, Complexity, Interactions, LUTI models, Transport Models, Urban Models | Leave a comment

Variability in Regularity: Transit in Big Cities

Chen Zhong is leading CASA’s work in measuring variability and regularity in big data from automated capture of travel demand on subway systems in three world cities. This paper in PLOS One is our first on a comparison of tap … Continue reading

Posted in allometry, Big Data, Connectivity, Flows, Graphs, Interactions, Transport Models | Leave a comment