Category Archives: Interactions

Early Flow Maps

In researching for my talk at Peter Hall’s 80th Birthday Symposium this coming Monday in UCL’s Darwin Lecture Theatre, I came across Raymond Unwin’s book Town Planning in Practice – An Introduction to the Art of Designing Cities and Suburbs … Continue reading

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To Understand Is To Perceive Patterns

Jason Silva’s wonderful demonstration of patterns and order across many evolving spatial systems is what our science of cities is all about: flows, interactions, dynamics, self-similiarity, hierarchy and of course fractals. Take a look. These patterns swirl around all our … Continue reading

Posted in Flows, Fractals, Hierarchy, Interactions, Scaling | Leave a comment

Big Data, Complexity, Networks at the German Physical Society

Full Details of the Meeting are Here Various people from UCL and Kings are contributing to this meeting in Berlin. Mike Batty from CASA is talking on how cities and their evident complexity require big data which is rapidly becoming … Continue reading

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