Category Archives: Interactions

Urban Network Analysis Toolbox

Andre Svetsuk and the City Form Lab have just announced the Urban Networks Analysis Toolbox v1.01 for ArcGIS. This can be downloaded free. The following text is from their web site. As the first of its kind, this ArcGIS toolbox can be … Continue reading

Posted in Connectivity, Flows, Graphs, Interactions, Networks, Planning Support | Leave a comment

Spatial Simulation

A new book by David O’Sullivan and George Perry called Spatial Simulation: Exploring Pattern and Process (Wiley, 2013) is an important landmark text for all those involved in CA and ABM. I quote from the back cover: “O’Sullivan and Perry … Continue reading

Posted in Agent-Based Models, Cellular Automata, Complexity, Emergence, Interactions, Scaling, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

USC Smart Cities Meeting

The Urban Systems Collaborative (USC) Annual Meeting  Is being held at Imperial College in London today and tomorrow (10-11 September). The meeting is essentially about smart cities but in particular how smart cities affect the quality of life in cities, … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, Complexity, Connectivity, Interactions, Planning Support, Smart Cities | Leave a comment