Category Archives: Interactions

Flow, Conflux

“The city is not only a community, it is a conflux. ….The real city, as a center of industry, is a conflux of streams of traffic; as a center of culture, it is conflux of streams of thought.” So wrote … Continue reading

Posted in Complexity, Connectivity, Flows, Information, Interactions, Networks | Leave a comment

Michael Szell’s Review in Science

Michael Szell from the SENSEable Cities Lab at MIT has given my book a very generous review in this week’s edition of Science (28 February, Volume 343, pp. 970-971) where he suggests that my synthesis defines a way forward for … Continue reading

Posted in allometry, city size, Complexity, Geodesign, Hierarchy, Interactions, power laws, Scaling, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

City 1.0, City 2.0, City n.0 … City t

A major problem in understanding contemporary (and future) cities is the fact that they ‘appear’ to be changing faster than we can keep up. Our theories which were culled in the last half century about how cities are spatially organised … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, Complexity, Interactions, Smart Cities | Leave a comment