Category Archives: Hierarchy

Foundations of Urban Science

CUSP –  New York University’s Center for Urban Science and Progress – in launching their Masters program in Applied Urban Science and Informatics, have put together a fascinating course called Foundations of Urban Science which is being taught this fall by … Continue reading

Posted in allometry, Big Data, city size, Complexity, Fractals, Hierarchy, LUTI models, Networks, power laws, Scaling, Urban Models | Leave a comment

Cities = Complexity + Design

Mike Batty, Bill Hillier and Stephen Marshall are all presenting at the 2nd Delft Complexity meeting which runs for the next three days at TUDelft. Juval Portugali is the spirit behind these meetings and the edited book from the first … Continue reading

Posted in Cellular Automata, Complexity, Connectivity, Emergence, Geodesign, Hierarchy, Networks | Leave a comment

ECCS 13 in Barcelona

Several of us from the Mechanicity and Eunoia Projects are embarked on an expedition to the European Conference on Complex Systems held this year in Barcelona. Tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday, we present in various satellite sessions devoted to Complexity-Net, our … Continue reading

Posted in Agent-Based Models, Complexity, Connectivity, Fractals, Hierarchy, Information, Networks, Scaling | Leave a comment