Category Archives: Hierarchy

Santa Fe, Complexity, Cities

The Mathematical Puzzle That Is the Complexity of the City: An interesting article in the Atlantic Cities pages by Samuel Arbesman on how we are developing this science of cities – a prelude the workshop at Santa Fe this week … Continue reading

Posted in allometry, city size, Complexity, Hierarchy, power laws, rank size, Scaling | Leave a comment

The Evolution of Subway Networks

Today our paper about the evolution of world city subway networks is published online in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface. We compare a dozen subway networks around the world in large cities using various graph theoretic network measures. … Continue reading

Posted in Emergence, Graphs, Hierarchy, Networks, power laws | Leave a comment

To Understand Is To Perceive Patterns

Jason Silva’s wonderful demonstration of patterns and order across many evolving spatial systems is what our science of cities is all about: flows, interactions, dynamics, self-similiarity, hierarchy and of course fractals. Take a look. These patterns swirl around all our … Continue reading

Posted in Flows, Fractals, Hierarchy, Interactions, Scaling | Leave a comment