Category Archives: Geodesign
Science and the City 2014
Science and the City is an annual weekend-long hackfest, co-organized by NYU’s ITP, the Interactive Telecommunications Programme, and CUSP, the Center for Urban Science and Progress. The theme is citizen science for exploring and improving our urban environment. Some of … Continue reading
The Beginnings of GIS
UCL has many famous sons. Brian Berry graduated here in 1955 before he went Stateside and Roger Tomlinson, the ‘father of GIS’ who coined the very term in the early 1960s, did his PhD here. Carl Steinitz who is a … Continue reading
Cities = Complexity + Design
Mike Batty, Bill Hillier and Stephen Marshall are all presenting at the 2nd Delft Complexity meeting which runs for the next three days at TUDelft. Juval Portugali is the spirit behind these meetings and the edited book from the first … Continue reading