Category Archives: Flows

To Understand Is To Perceive Patterns

Jason Silva’s wonderful demonstration of patterns and order across many evolving spatial systems is what our science of cities is all about: flows, interactions, dynamics, self-similiarity, hierarchy and of course fractals. Take a look. These patterns swirl around all our … Continue reading

Posted in Flows, Fractals, Hierarchy, Interactions, Scaling | Leave a comment

Agent-Based Models

Agent-Based Models or Modelling, abbreviated ABM , involves developing simulations of urban structure and dynamics at the level of how individual objects which comprise such systems behave. The best example and the one that is developed in my lecture today … Continue reading

Posted in Agent-Based Models, Complexity, Flows, Interactions, power laws | Leave a comment

Spatial Interaction

Spatial Interaction from now on and I promised you a short piece that I had written as a general introduction but I don’t have it digitally. It is called “Spatial Interaction” in Encyclopaedia of Geographic Information Science edited by Karen … Continue reading

Posted in Flows, Interactions, LUTI models, Urban Models | Leave a comment