Category Archives: Flows

The Strange Non-Referential Domain of Morphology

How is that a niche research area such as the shape and form of cities using various mathematical and formal principles in geometry, allometry, scaling and social physics can have several distinct approaches that never refer to one another? Fractals … Continue reading

Posted in allometry, Complexity, Flows, Hierarchy, Interactions, Scaling | Leave a comment

The 22nd Century City

We will all be living in cities by the end of this century (see EPA, 2011) and for the most part, cities will constitute a complex web of local-global relationships that defies our present understanding. On this way to the … Continue reading

Posted in city size, Complexity, Connectivity, Flows | Leave a comment

Spatial Networks

Marc Barthelemy from the Institute for Theoretical Physics (IPhT) of the CEA-Saclay (France) presented a very interesting talk on the evolution of spatial networks in cities at CASA last night (November 29). Arguing that spatial networks are often richer and … Continue reading

Posted in Complexity, Flows, Hierarchy, Networks, Scaling, Uncategorized | Leave a comment