Category Archives: Flows

Urban Network Analysis Toolbox

Andre Svetsuk and the City Form Lab have just announced the Urban Networks Analysis Toolbox v1.01 for ArcGIS. This can be downloaded free. The following text is from their web site. As the first of its kind, this ArcGIS toolbox can be … Continue reading

Posted in Connectivity, Flows, Graphs, Interactions, Networks, Planning Support | Leave a comment

Gravity v Radiation Models

For many years, almost from the time when Newton first presented his laws of gravitation, speculations and applications of the gravity model to human interactions have been made. In the 19th century, Carey and Ravenstein led the way with Reilly, … Continue reading

Posted in Flows, Interactions, power laws, Scaling | Leave a comment

Resilience: How Quickly Can City Systems Bounce Back

AESOP-ACSP is the joint European and American Associations of Planning Schools conference held this year in Dublin at UCD. The theme is resilience in cities and how planning might best respond to it. This is a popular term and is … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, Complexity, Connectivity, Flows, Information, Networks, Smart Cities, Uncategorized | Leave a comment