Category Archives: Connectivity

In the Shadow of Darwin

Michael Batty is working on a project with colleagues from the University of Melbourne, UNC at Chapel Hill, and the Santa Fe Institute at the Galapagos Science Centre with the Universidad San Francisco de Quito. They are exploring the way human … Continue reading

Posted in allometry, Complexity, Connectivity, Emergence | Leave a comment

Mobility, Transit and Big Data

Yesterday I gave a talk on data-driven models to the Hong Kong Poly U Department of Land Surveying and Geomatics, and today I give a similar talk at at 2-30pm in Geography at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. When I got to the … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, Complexity, Connectivity, Flows, LUTI models, Networks, Smart Cities | Leave a comment

Variability in Regularity: Transit in Big Cities

Chen Zhong is leading CASA’s work in measuring variability and regularity in big data from automated capture of travel demand on subway systems in three world cities. This paper in PLOS One is our first on a comparison of tap … Continue reading

Posted in allometry, Big Data, Connectivity, Flows, Graphs, Interactions, Transport Models | Leave a comment