Category Archives: Connectivity

Disruption in Large Transit Systems

Jon Reades and myself gave a talk at ECCS on how we are using our Oyster Card data to simulate disruptions to the London tube system. Added Richard Milton’s real time tube and bus data and presented our ideas at … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, Connectivity, Flows, Interactions, Smart Cities | Leave a comment

Phil Ball’s Little Masterpiece

Phil Ball’s little book is one of the best summaries I have come across on complexity theory and its applications. This little triumph of clarity argues that society’s problems are those of highly connected systems. The book has been written … Continue reading

Posted in Complexity, Connectivity, Emergence, Hierarchy, Networks, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

The Interactive ZIPScribble Map

Robert Kosara has produced some really neat maps of connected places on his blog ‘eager eyes’ where he connects “all the ZIP or postal codes in a country in ascending order”. The UK is rather integrated it seems compared to other countries. … Continue reading

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