Category Archives: Complexity

China Urban Development at UCL

Fulong Wu and his colleagues from the Bartlett School of Planning together with Peking University with several sponsors (see web site)  ran a great meeting Friday and Saturday 5-6 May in UCL which gathered together some 200 researchers and academics … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, city size, Complexity, Information, Smart Cities | Leave a comment

Then and Now

In November 1986 I visited SunYatSen University and gave a public lecture about Urban Modelling. China was a very different world then, no cars, no computers, no email, barely functioning electricity. And of course it was before laptops, networks, hand-held … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, Complexity, Connectivity, Flows, Information, LUTI models, Smart Cities, Transport Models, Urban Models, Visualisation | Leave a comment

Cities and Civilization, and other classic reviews

This year is the 50th Anniversary of Regional Studies, the journal. Peter Hall was the first editor and my early years as a lecturer coincided with his stewardship of the journal and his role as Head of Department of Geography … Continue reading

Posted in city size, Complexity, Economies of scale | Leave a comment