Category Archives: city size

Optimal Cities, Ideal Cities

Ideal Cities, such as Frank Lloyd Wright’s Mile High Tower The Illinois (pictured here), and Le Corbusier’s City of Tomorrow have fallen out of fashion in recent years. But the rise of the smart city and the notion of the instrumented … Continue reading

Posted in city size, Economies of scale, Hierarchy, rank size | Leave a comment

Urban Scaling Laws

Clementine Cottineau initiated our work on paradoxical interpretations of urban scaling laws using the example of the French city system. The paper is now on the arXiv  and you get it by clicking here or going direct to the arXiv. Scaling laws for … Continue reading

Posted in allometry, city size, Hierarchy, power laws, Scaling | Leave a comment

Urban Transfer Entropy across Scales

Roberto Murcio led our work on applying ideas of information theory across scales so that mutual information can be transmitted one way, rather than symmetrically. The paper has just appeared in PLOS One. And you can Download the PDF from … Continue reading

Posted in city size, Complexity, Entropy, Flows, Hierarchy, Information | Leave a comment