Category Archives: city size

There is More Than a Power Law in Zipf

Check out our paper in Scientific Reports published on the 6th November. Click to Open Access, so no fear of breaking copyright by reading it ! What a surprise. We or rather a grant paid for it.   What we argue … Continue reading

Posted in city size, Fractals, power laws, rank size, Scaling | Comments Off on There is More Than a Power Law in Zipf

Santa Fe, Complexity, Cities

The Mathematical Puzzle That Is the Complexity of the City: An interesting article in the Atlantic Cities pages by Samuel Arbesman on how we are developing this science of cities – a prelude the workshop at Santa Fe this week … Continue reading

Posted in allometry, city size, Complexity, Hierarchy, power laws, rank size, Scaling | Leave a comment

You can now download the third lecture from the Menu Item above, Lecture 3, or click the icon to the left of this post. This lecture focuses on the first kind of scaling which pertains to city size distributions. We look at … Continue reading

Posted in city size, clocks, power laws, rank size, Scaling | Leave a comment