Category Archives: city size

The Fractured Nature of British Politics

The Morning After: Predictions closer than all of us thought,  a Divided Britain Carlos, Elsa, Duncan and myself (Mike) decided to explore next week’s British election using some of our social physics, specifically our work on uncovering urban hierarchies through percolation … Continue reading

Posted in allometry, city size, Hierarchy, Scaling | Leave a comment

Visualising Ranks and Size in Space and Time

Alluvial diagrams were first proposed to represent changes in network structure over time. Robin Edwards from CASA has implemented the tool and has several examples from social and political arrays which he shows in his blog GeoTheory. Rosvall and Bergstrom’s popularisation of … Continue reading

Posted in city size, clocks, Complexity, Flows, rank size, Scaling, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

At the Crossroads of Urban Growth

A spectre is haunting urban growth relating to how development is financed. My current editorial in Environment and Planning B (December 2014, issue 6) discusses the increasing disconnect between demand and supply of new buildings using the example of Wuhan … Continue reading

Posted in city size, Economies of scale, Smart Cities | Leave a comment