Category Archives: Big Data

Smart Cities @Serious Games Institute

Short, sharp discussion of smart cities at Coventry University’s Serious Games Institute (this afternoon, May 8th starting at 1pm) with a talk by myself which mirrors my talk to the AGI a couple of months ago in Edinburgh (click here … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, Flows, Interactions, Smart Cities | Leave a comment

The Mayor’s Geek Squad

Great article from the New York Times cataloguing the many unusual ways in which Mayor Bloomberg’s group of tech savvy professionals are piecing together data from diverse sources to attack some of the cities biggest and most persistent problems. Many … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, Complexity, Information, Interactions, Smart Cities | Leave a comment

More about Urban Science

There is a lot of effort in the current developments involving computers and physics to think about cities as prompting a new kind of science of cities. Luis Bettencourt and Geoff West have argued this in a recent commentary in … Continue reading

Posted in allometry, Big Data, Complexity, Information, Interactions, Scaling | Leave a comment