Category Archives: allometry

More about Urban Science

There is a lot of effort in the current developments involving computers and physics to think about cities as prompting a new kind of science of cities. Luis Bettencourt and Geoff West have argued this in a recent commentary in … Continue reading

Posted in allometry, Big Data, Complexity, Information, Interactions, Scaling | Leave a comment

The Strange Non-Referential Domain of Morphology

How is that a niche research area such as the shape and form of cities using various mathematical and formal principles in geometry, allometry, scaling and social physics can have several distinct approaches that never refer to one another? Fractals … Continue reading

Posted in allometry, Complexity, Flows, Hierarchy, Interactions, Scaling | Leave a comment

Santa Fe, Complexity, Cities

The Mathematical Puzzle That Is the Complexity of the City: An interesting article in the Atlantic Cities pages by Samuel Arbesman on how we are developing this science of cities – a prelude the workshop at Santa Fe this week … Continue reading

Posted in allometry, city size, Complexity, Hierarchy, power laws, rank size, Scaling | Leave a comment