Category Archives: allometry

The Fractured Nature of British Politics

The Morning After: Predictions closer than all of us thought,  a Divided Britain Carlos, Elsa, Duncan and myself (Mike) decided to explore next week’s British election using some of our social physics, specifically our work on uncovering urban hierarchies through percolation … Continue reading

Posted in allometry, city size, Hierarchy, Scaling | Leave a comment

Constructing Cities, Deconstructing Scaling Laws

Our work on attempting to repeat the work of the Santa Fe group who show that as cities get bigger (primarily for the USA) they get more than proportionately richer, has drawn a massive blank for the UK urban system (England … Continue reading

Posted in allometry, Complexity, Economies of scale, power laws, Scaling | Leave a comment

The Israel Pollak Lectures at Technion

This past week I have been giving the Israel Pollack distinguished lecture series at Technion in Haifa, the School of Architecture and Town Planning, talking about smart cities and big data (PDF here), and rank clocks and scaling (PDF here). … Continue reading

Posted in allometry, Big Data, Complexity, Emergence, LUTI models, power laws, rank size, Scaling, Smart Cities | Leave a comment