Author Archives: Michael Batty

About Michael Batty

I chair CASA at UCL which I set up in 1995. I am Bartlett Professor In UCL.

China Urban Development at UCL

Fulong Wu and his colleagues from the Bartlett School of Planning together with Peking University with several sponsors (see web site)  ran a great meeting Friday and Saturday 5-6 May in UCL which gathered together some 200 researchers and academics … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, city size, Complexity, Information, Smart Cities | Leave a comment

Then and Now

In November 1986 I visited SunYatSen University and gave a public lecture about Urban Modelling. China was a very different world then, no cars, no computers, no email, barely functioning electricity. And of course it was before laptops, networks, hand-held … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, Complexity, Connectivity, Flows, Information, LUTI models, Smart Cities, Transport Models, Urban Models, Visualisation | Leave a comment

Cities and Civilization, and other classic reviews

This year is the 50th Anniversary of Regional Studies, the journal. Peter Hall was the first editor and my early years as a lecturer coincided with his stewardship of the journal and his role as Head of Department of Geography … Continue reading

Posted in city size, Complexity, Economies of scale | Leave a comment