Author Archives: Michael Batty
A Beautiful Visualization
Click the map to start the wind flowing* Many years ago, Waldo Tobler provided the inspiration for mapping and modelling flows as potentials, possibly following Ravenstein, developing the simple concept of an ‘interaction wind’. His insight continues and now with … Continue reading
Smart Cities, Big Data
As a prelude to our Smart Cities conferences on April 20th, you can read a short editorial in Environment and Planning B (April 2012) that sketches the main issues. Click on the above picture and you will be taken to … Continue reading
CASA’s Smart Cities Conference
Friday 20th April, 2012 at: Senate House,Malet Street,London,WC1E 7HU A free one day conference from the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA). Find out about multimedia research on cities being carried out at CASA, with talks covering crowd-sourcing and participatory … Continue reading