Author Archives: Michael Batty

About Michael Batty

I chair CASA at UCL which I set up in 1995. I am Bartlett Professor In UCL.


A variety of interesting papers in Utrecht for the 13th Meeting of Computers in Urban Modelling and Urban Management (July 3-5, 2013). Harry Timmermans gave an interesting keynote “What-ifs, if-whats and maybes : sketch of ubiquitous collaborative decision support technology” which is … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, Interactions, Planning Support, Smart Cities | Leave a comment

Math Targets Cities’ Essence

Luis Bettencourt’s paper in Science on The Origins of Scaling in Cities and my commentary on it called a Theory of City Size are summarised in a rather nice piece from Rachel Ehernberg in this week’s Science News where she … Continue reading

Posted in allometry, city size, Connectivity, Economies of scale, power laws, Scaling | Leave a comment

Applied Urban Modelling 2013

Today Flora Roumpani presents her work on urban modelling using City Engine. Anders Johansson, Kiril Stanilov and Pete Ferguson all present today and tomorrow Vassilis Zachariasis presents. Big CASA presence at this meeting.This is the third meeting in this series … Continue reading

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