Author Archives: Michael Batty

About Michael Batty

I chair CASA at UCL which I set up in 1995. I am Bartlett Professor In UCL.

A Chinese Commentary on Smart Cities

The Beijing City Lab now contains nearly 50 papers on how the technologies that form a science of cities are being applied in China. There is an interesting paper by Wang Jingyuan on smart cities that is worth looking at. It is … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, Information, Networks, Smart Cities | Leave a comment

The City Scientific

Matt Zook drew my attention to this paper in an article he and his colleagues recently wrote called The ‘actually existing smart city’. In it, they point to the fact that a science of cities is not new – that it … Continue reading

Posted in Complexity, Information, Networks, Smart Cities, Urban Models | Leave a comment

In Celebration of Peter Hall

Many will know that the world’s greatest planning academic passed away yesterday after a short illness. He was a great friend of CASA convincing me to come and run it in 1995 and doing much to establish and support what … Continue reading

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