Author Archives: Michael Batty

About Michael Batty

I chair CASA at UCL which I set up in 1995. I am Bartlett Professor In UCL.

Logistic Growth and Ergodic Properties of Urban Forms

Our new paper reports research on the definition of cities led by A. Paolo Masucci with Elsa Arcaute, Jiaqiu Wang, Erez Hatna, Kiril Stanilov and Michael Batty. Its in the arXiv and you can get it here from this link. Here is the abstract: Urban morphology has presented significant … Continue reading

Posted in Complexity, Connectivity, Networks, Scaling | Leave a comment

Modelling: Big Questions Remain

Recently I was asked to speculate on what strides had been made in urban and transport modelling during the last 20 years and what did I think models would evolve to in the next 20. The current editorial in EPB … Continue reading

Posted in Agent-Based Models, Big Data, Complexity, Planning Support, Urban Models | Leave a comment

Gravity Models Circa 1846

Once in a while along comes a wonderful piece of historical research that again illustrates that in most fields, there is little new under the sun. Andrew Odlyzko’s recent paper entitled “The forgotten discovery of gravity models and the inefficiency … Continue reading

Posted in Connectivity, Economies of scale, Flows, Interactions, power laws, Scaling | Leave a comment