Author Archives: Michael Batty

About Michael Batty

I chair CASA at UCL which I set up in 1995. I am Bartlett Professor In UCL.

The Sixth Kondratieff Is The Smart City

Nikolai Kondratieff, a Soviet-era economist in the 1920s, developed a theory of the economy where technological innovations drove the business cycle. This looked a little too like the way the capitalist world explained itself and for these sins, Stalin sent … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, Complexity, Information, Smart Cities, Urban Dynamics | Leave a comment

Percolating Britain

In human systems, defining any of the objects or attributes we work with is plagued with ambiguity. Defining cities is one of the classic problems and here we use percolation theory to ultimately define cities as connected clusters at a … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, city size, Connectivity, Hierarchy, Scaling | Leave a comment

Smart Cities by Anthony Townsend: A Review

Asked by Built Environment to review this some 18 months after it was first published, the world of smart cities has moved on so fast at the level of how we use personal devices to navigate, shop, search etc. that Anthony … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, Complexity, Flows, Information, Smart Cities, Urban Models | Leave a comment