Author Archives: Michael Batty

About Michael Batty

I chair CASA at UCL which I set up in 1995. I am Bartlett Professor In UCL.

20 years of quantitative geographical thinking

In 1996, Denise Pumain set up the online journal Cybergeo . When she first proposed this the web was in its infancy and I remember thinking that this was a very high-risk proposal in a world where the notion that we might … Continue reading

Posted in Agent-Based Models, Big Data, city size, Complexity | Leave a comment

Modelling World 2016: Complexity in Land Use Transport Models

Giving a paper on Thursday 2nd June in London at Modelling World. Talking about Complexity in Land Use Transport Interaction (LUTI) Modelling, outlining very briefly our QUANT model for the Future Cities Catapult. This model is designed to simulate employment … Continue reading

Posted in Complexity, Flows, Interactions, LUTI models, Urban Models | Leave a comment

Cities as Flows in a Circular Economy

Podcast: Cities as flows in a circular economy Wrote a chapter in the new book from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation which I blogged about earlier – click here for details. But each of the chapters is accompanied by a podcast … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, city size, Economies of scale, Emergence, Interactions, Networks | Leave a comment