Geodesign is the term coined by Carl Steinitz for the way in which “maps and geography are merging with mathematics and computing” as Jack Dangermond, President of ERSI, says in the Preface to Carl’s new book A Framework for Geodesign: Changing Geography by Design (ESRI Press, Redlands, CA, 2012). Carl lays out the framework which is based on a tight integration of iterative design – getting it right by trial and error – with stakeholder priorities, insights and intuitions. This is the core of any modern design process and carl’s model is state of the art with respect to informing decision processes involved in physical location of various land uses, activities, facilities and related objects and peoples within the urban and regional landscape. Drawing on his enormous experience, this book develops the argument for geodesign based on his work over 40 years at Harvard where he was instrumental in the development of geographic information systems (GIS), overlay analysis in landscape design, and in training the world’s key experts and innovators in spatial analysis and GIS. Carl is currently a visiting professor here at CASA where he continues to develop incisive ideas in the development of geodesign, Click here for reference to his new book and to other developments in geodesign.
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